Why Soul Seekers?

Soul Seekers has been created for anyone desiring a deeper spiritual life but is particularly open to those who are wary of ‘church’ and would like to undertake their spiritual journey from within a broadly Christian context.

Soul Seekers is rooted within the Christian tradition but is receptive to and respectful of the wisdom of other faiths and ways of being.

Soul Seekers is independent and as such, is paid for only by you, the user of this service.

With Soul Seekers there are no strings attached or expectation that you will engage with or become part of a church or religious organisation unless, of course, you want to!

All Welcome

Whether you are a spiritual seeker wanting to discover for yourself, an ex-churchgoer wanting to find faith outside of institutional religion, or you are a church person wanting to grow your faith from a contemplative perspective. Whoever you are, you are simply welcome!

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

– Albert Einstein

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Soul Seekers?

Soul Seekers is a spirituality consultancy which supports you in your spiritual life by offering short courses and spiritual direction within the Christian contemplative tradition.

What is contemplative spirituality?

It is a way of getting to know and experience God or Divine Reality through silence and reflection. Its purpose it to help us notice that all areas of life are sacred. It is thousands of years old and has expression in the majority of religions throughout the world.
Soul Seekers is based within the Christian contemplative tradition.

What is Spiritual Direction?

It is the ancient art of spiritual companioning and listening. The term spiritual direction is a very old one but it doesn’t involve directing your life but directing your attention to God or Divine Reality. You would meet with Mandy Harvey, your spiritual director, for about an hour every 4 to 6 weeks.  Mandy would journey with you and help you listen for and notice God or Divine Reality within your everyday life.

How much does Spiritual Direction cost?

It is intended that spiritual direction be affordable, so cost is really up to you.  You should consider what you’re comfortable with and can reasonably afford.  If cost is an issue or you’d just like to talk it through, please get in touch. 

Who is St Benedict of Nursia?

St Benedict was a 6th century Christian monk and one of the first monks to open monasteries in the Western world. He wrote a little guide book to living in community called ‘The Rule of St Benedict” which is still used within many Christian monasteries today.  There are many people outside of monasteries who find ‘The Rule’ helpful for growing a deeper spiritual life at home.

Is Soul Seekers part of a church?

No.  Although Mandy is herself an ordained Uniting Church Deacon, 
Soul Seekers is purposely structured independently and is not owned or funded by a church or religious organisation.  

What is monasticism?

It is a form of contemplative spirituality traditionally practiced by monks and nuns who live in monasteries.  However, there are increasing numbers of people outside of monasteries who find contemplative and monastic practices helpful for growing their spiritual life within the context of their ordinary daily living.

If I practice monasticism, will I end up living in a monastery?

Very unlikely! Most people who practice contemplative or monastic spirituality don’t live in monasteries but find the practices very adaptable and useful whatever their life circumstances.

What short-courses do you run?

Currently Soul Seekers runs two short courses. How to Grow Your Spiritual Life and Why Bother is a 6-week introductory course for the Church wary and the religiously ‘over it’.  Living-Inside-Out is a more in-depth seven-week course exploring contemplative and monastic ideas and practices that can be helpful in everyday life. 

What do your short-courses cost?

The cost of courses vary, and depends largely on the cost of running the courses.  The venue is usually the most significant cost and so, simply put, the cheaper the venue, the cheaper the course.  Some venues are commercial entities and as such tend to be more expensive.  Other venues are generous in loaning their premises which means that the cost of a course will be much lower.  The intention is that courses be  affordable to all, so if cost is an issue, please get in touch.  No-one will be turned away due to cost.       

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