About Soul seekers

What is Soul Seekers?

Soul Seekers is an independent spirituality consultancy run by Mandy Harvey offering short-courses and spiritual direction to anyone wishing to grow spiritually through the Christian contemplative tradition.

The contemplative tradition, which is also the spirituality of monasteries, has expression in all the world’s major religions and spiritualities and uses intentional silence, solitude and meditative practices to aid life-long spiritual growth within ordinary everyday life.
Soul Seekers takes spiritual ideas from both Eastern and Western expressions of the Christian contemplative tradition with a twist of modern psychology, and aims to support a rich spiritual life that begins within us but reaches out in love to those around us and our world.

Soul Seekers hopes to encourage this ancient spirituality by providing short-courses where you can learn, amongst other things, the value of intentional silence, meditation and reflective practices.

Soul Seekers also provides companionship for the journey through spiritual direction, the ancient art of spiritual listening which encourages and supports you as you listen and respond to Divine Reality and the spiritual promptings of your Soul.

“What the world needs is better religion, new forms of old faiths, religion reborn on the basis of deep spiritual connection – these things need to be explored instead of ditching religion completely. We need religion imbued with the spirit of shared humanity and hope, not religions that divide and further fracture the future.”

– Diana Butler Bass, Christianity After Religion

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