Spiritual Direction

The term ‘spiritual direction’ although ancient, is a little misleading. With its roots within the contemplative tradition, spiritual direction is the ancient art of listening to and accompanying people on their spiritual journey. But the only direction involved is to direct your attention to God!

The purpose of spiritual direction is to support you grow into deeper awareness of God within the everyday, helping you notice the sacredness of all aspects of life.

Your spiritual director is, just like you, travelling the spiritual journey. A person of prayer, who listens deeply to the spiritual nature of life and helps you to do the same. On a one-to-one basis, your spiritual director will encourage and nurture you to deepen your spirituality.

Spiritual direction works best as a long-term spiritual friendship that encourages you to notice the Divine within the ebbs and flows of life over time. Through meeting around every 4 – 6 weeks for about an hour, your spiritual director gently supports you through:

  • listening and conversation
  • encouraging life-giving spiritual practices
  • helping you notice the Divine within all of life’s circumstances
  • supporting you to care for your deep inner Self
  • fostering your attentiveness to the promptings of the Soul
  • urging you to nurture all areas of your life

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